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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Reading and Writing in San Miguel

I finished reading Carolyn Cassady's Off the Road and wow, did she put up with a lot of crap from Neal, mostly philandering but also drugs, gambling, jail, etc. And catching Allen Ginsberg blowing her husband. But she was no angel either: she was having an affair with Jack Kerouac while he stayed in the attic of their house.

It sort of amazing how intimately intertwined Kerouac, Cassady and Ginsberg's lives were.

I came to SMA to do a final edit on my novel. I got about halfway through it, did some good work, but got distracted with drinking, carousing, playing basketball, yoga, and life. I do think I've got the final solution for the ending chapters, thanks to a local 'advance reader.'

My new friend Roman is suggesting I do an Eastern European book tour, and the idea has grabbed me, so I've done some quick research and found the prominent English language bookshops over there. Roman says that they are hungry for American writers, to hear about American politics and views, so it'd be a more special trip than just doing an American tour. And it would be an unforgettable experience!

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