I couldn't work today. Yesterday, copies of my new book arrived. I slit open a box using my keys - but not too deep so that I wouldn't damage the precious contents. Folding the flaps back I could smell the fresh ink and paper -- sort of a 'new car smell' to me; I reached in and cracked open the pages of my baby. She'd arrived! I kissed the cover and held the book to my chest. This one, this one, it really took a lot out of me. During a tumultuous time, I had to re-write it three times, at a hectic pace each time, the last time being a week in Bocas del Toro, Panama. The Internet connections and power on the island were shaky, but I got it done and took off to sail the Caribbean.
Today I just wanted to savor the result of all that work in the past year. I'll get back to finishing up this next one tomorrow.
Today I just wanted to savor the result of all that work in the past year. I'll get back to finishing up this next one tomorrow.